I am having trouble trying to send an .ics file ‘meeting invitation’ via email.
I am using this class to quickly generate the contents of the .ics file: https://gist.github.com/jakebellacera/635416
The content generates correctly but I cannot get it to show as an attachment… so far only as string.
I have even tried to encode it but it just shows the encoded .ics content as a string.
Here is my code currently:
// CREATE ICAL INVITE include("ICS.php"); //header('Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8'); //header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cita.ics'); $location = "Barcelona"; $mdesc = "Cita Masaje"; $mname= "$name - $phone"; $meetURL = "redacted"; $props = array( 'location' => $location, 'description' => $mdesc, 'dtstart' => $dateStart, 'dtend' => $dateEnd, 'summary' => $mname, 'url' => $meetURL ); $ics = new ICS($props); $ical = $ics->to_string(); $boundary = md5("random"); // define boundary with a md5 hashed value $recipient = "redacted"; $subject = "Nuevo contacto de $name - $email"; //header $mailheaders = "From: ".$name." <".$email.">n"; $mailheaders .= "Reply-To: ".$name." <".$email.">n"; $mailheaders .= "MIME-Version: 1.0n"; $mailheaders .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;n"; $mailheaders .= "boundary = $boundaryrn"; //Defining the Boundary //attachment $formcontent = "--$boundaryrn"; $formcontent .= "De: $name - $emailnTel: $phonenCita: $dateStartnAcaba: $dateEndnMensaje:nn$messagenn"; $formcontent .= "--$boundaryrn"; $encoded_content = chunk_split(base64_encode($ical)); $formcontent .="Content-Disposition: attachment"; $formcontent .="Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"; //$formcontent .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitnn"; //$formcontent .='Content-Type: text/calendar; name="cita.ics"; method=REQUESTn'; $formcontent .="Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name='cita.ics'; method=REQUESTn"; $formcontent .="X-Attachment-Id: ".rand(1000, 99999)."n"; $formcontent .= $encoded_content; // Attaching the encoded file with email // Send email notification if(mail($recipient, $subject, $formcontent, $mailheaders)) { // send auto-reply mail($email, $rplysubject, $reply, $rplyheader) or die("Error!"); } else { die("Error!"); } echo "Muchas gracias $name! Tu mensaje ha sido enviado.";
Commented out are some of the things I have tried… below is the current result from the autoreply email:
boundary = 7ddf32e17a6ac5ce04a8ecbf782ca509 --7ddf32e17a6ac5ce04a8ecbf782ca509 De: Testuser - test@mail.com Tel: 654396757 Cita: 21-04-2021 10:00 Acaba: 21-04-2021 11:00 Mensaje: test message --7ddf32e17a6ac5ce04a8ecbf782ca509 Content-Disposition: attachmentContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name='cita.ics'; method=REQUEST X-Attachment-Id: 8311 QkVHSU46VkNBTEVOREFSDQpWRVJTSU9OOjIuMA0KUFJPRElEOi0vL2hhY2tzdy9oYW5kY2FsLy9O T05TR01MIHYxLjAvL0VODQpDQUxTQ0FMRTpHUkVHT1JJQU4NCkJFR0lOOlZFVkVOVA0KTE9DQVRJ T046QmFyY2Vsb25hDQpERVNDUklQVElPTjpDaXRhIE1hc2FqZQ0KRFRTVEFSVDoyMDIxMDQyMVQx MDAwMDBaDQpEVEVORDoyMDIxMDQyMVQxMTAwMDBaDQpTVU1NQVJZOktpbGxpbm15dmliZXogLSA2 NTQzOTY3NTcNClVSTDtWQUxVRT1VUkk6aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGltZTJtZS5lcw0KRFRTVEFNUDoy MDIxMDQxNVQxMzMzMjJaDQpVSUQ6NjA3ODI0ODI0Y2Y0MQ0KRU5EOlZFVkVOVA0KRU5EOlZDQUxF TkRBUg==
In the past I also tried mail->addAttachment() or ->addStringAttachment() but both of those calls break my code.
Here is what the non-encoded ics event looks like:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:Barcelona DESCRIPTION:Cita DTSTART:20210428T090000Z DTEND:20210428T100000Z SUMMARY:Testuser - 672346435 URL;VALUE=URI:https://www.redacted.com DTSTAMP:20210409T221423Z UID:6070b59fe043d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Any idea what the issue could be?? Many thanks ahead of time!
Ended up implementing PHPMailer and it worked liked a charm.