[ { "Zustand":"geschlossen", "Losnummer":1, "Gewinnklasse":"A", "Preis":10 }, { "Zustand":"geschlossen", "Losnummer":2, "Gewinnklasse":"B", "Preis":20 }, { "Zustand":"geschlossen", "Losnummer":3, "Gewinnklasse":"B", "Preis":30 } ]
I want an array of it so i do:
<?php $str = file_get_contents("lose.json"); $json = json_decode($str, true); ?>
And then i want to enter a value and this value should identify the entry from the Array and delete the whole entry:
<?php if (($key = array_search(10, $json)) !== false) { unset($json[$key]); echo"test"; } ?>
I entered the value: 10 so the first entry of the array should be deleted.
I think array_search cant read my $json but i dont know why. Can smb fix this ?
You also need to specify the key you are searching (‘Preis’).
will help us:
$array = json_decode($json, true); $key = 'Preis'; $value = 10; $index = array_search( $value, array_column($array, $key) ); if( is_numeric($index) ){ unset($array[$index]); } print_r($array);