Good day guys. In my laravel application I’m trying to check if attendence for a particular date, subject, grade exists in my table. If so I have an if statement
setup to display desire results based on what is returned.
I’m making the request with ajax but it seems like ajax keeps running the error function and I don’t seem to get any error code whatsoever or internal server error(500, 404, 403, etc)
In my console the status return is 200 ok
here is my script:
$(document).on('change', '#subject', function(event) {
/* Act on the event */
var subject = $('#subject').val();
var grade = $('#grade').val();
var date = $('#date').val();
if (subject != "" && grade != "") {
data:{"subject_id":subject, "grade_id":grade, "date":date},
$("#result").html('There was an error please contact administrator');
Here is the controller the request is send to:
public function students(Request $request)
$grade = Grade::findOrFail($request->grade_id);
$subject = Subject::findOrFail($request->subject_id);
$students = Student::where('grade_id', $grade->id)->get(['id', 'first_name','middle_name', 'surname', 'grade_id']);
$statuses = Attendence::statuses();
// this check if attendence has been setup for the given date.
// if so prevent user for enter another date
$attendenceExists = Attendence::where([
'grade_id' => $grade->id,
'subject_id' => $subject->id,
'date' => $request->date
if ($attendenceExists) {
return response()->json('A recorded attendence already exists for the seleced grade and subject!');
else {
return View::make('attendence.partials.attendence-form')->with(array(
'students' => $students,
'subject' => $subject,
'date' => $request->date,
'statuses' => $statuses
Now, if this code returns true:
// this check if attendence has been setup for the given date.
// if so prevent user for enter another date
$attendenceExists = Attendence::where([
'grade_id' => $grade->id,
'subject_id' => $subject->id,
'date' => $request->date
if ($attendenceExists) {
return response()->json('A recorded attendence already exists for the seleced grade and subject!');
The condition here runs and the right result is returned. But my else statement
in the above does run but I don’t get the right result. This is the result I get:
There was an error please contact administrator
Which shows that it is this part of the ajax request that is running:
$("#result").html('There was an error please contact administrator');
Surprisingly when I check the console this is what I see:
Which is exactly what I want but ajax is return otherwise. Am I doing something wrong?
data:{"subject_id":subject, "grade_id":grade, "date":date},
statusCode: {
200: function(data) {
Try this. I hope this will help you