I have three Stripe buttons for three different products that submit using AJAX, as shown below in the portion of the page below:
<!-- key stripe settings such as stripe account and product variables --> <?php require_once 'config.php'; ?> <div id="buynow"> <button class="stripe-button stripebutton1" id="payButton">Buy Now</button> </div> <div id="buynow2"> <button class="stripe-button stripebutton1" id="payButton2">Buy Now</button> </div> <div id="buynow3"> <button class="stripe-button stripebutton1" id="payButton3">Buy Now</button> </div> <script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
One button works, but having trouble finding a way send each button to its own form for processing by stripe using a similar AJAX approach.
<script> var buyBtn = document.getElementById('payButton'); var responseContainer = document.getElementById('paymentResponse'); // Create a Checkout Session with the selected product var createCheckoutSession = function (stripe) { return fetch("stripe_charge.php", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ checkoutSession: 1, }), }).then(function (result) { return result.json(); }); }; // Handle any errors returned from Checkout var handleResult = function (result) { if (result.error) { responseContainer.innerHTML = '<p>'+result.error.message+'</p>'; } buyBtn.disabled = false; buyBtn.textContent = 'Buy Now'; }; // Specify Stripe publishable key to initialize Stripe.js var stripe = Stripe('<?php echo STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY; ?>'); buyBtn.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { buyBtn.disabled = true; buyBtn.textContent = 'Please wait...'; createCheckoutSession().then(function (data) { if(data.sessionId){ stripe.redirectToCheckout({ sessionId: data.sessionId, }).then(handleResult); }else{ handleResult(data); } }); }); </script>
I am struggling a bit to find am an approach in AJAX to run this script for each corresponding ID – for example a first script attached to id=”payButton”, the next to id=”payButton2″ and the last to id=”payButton3″
One option would be to add 3 different click handlers, one for each button. Then, when a button is clicked, you can pass some reference to that button and an ID to the server which would help create the correct type of Checkout Session.
Here’s what a very basic version might look like:
// initialize Stripe, first. var stripe = Stripe('<?php echo STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY; ?>'); // grab reference to the buttons var buyBtn = document.getElementById('payButton'); var buyBtn2 = document.getElementById('payButton2'); var buyBtn3 = document.getElementById('payButton3'); // register click handlers for each button buyBtn.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { buyBtn.disabled = true; buyBtn.textContent = 'Please wait...'; // each click handler will pass some // ID that will be passed to the server // which would use that identifier to determine // what parameters to use to create the // Checkout Session. createCheckoutSession(1, buyBtn); }); buyBtn2.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { buyBtn2.disabled = true; buyBtn2.textContent = 'Please wait...'; createCheckoutSession(2, buyBtn2); }); buyBtn3.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { buyBtn3.disabled = true; buyBtn3.textContent = 'Please wait...'; createCheckoutSession(3, buyBtn3); }); // no need to pass in `stripe` here, as it's // in the parent scope, instead we're passing // the identifier down. function createCheckoutSession(identifier, btn) { return fetch("stripe_charge.php", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ checkoutSession: identifier, // passing button identifier to server }), }).then(function (result) { return result.json(); }).then(function (result) { // if the stripe_charge.php call fails // re-enable the button. if (result.error) { responseContainer.innerHTML = '<p>'+result.error.message+'</p>'; btn.disabled = false; btn.textContent = 'Buy Now'; } else { // if the call to server was successful, redirect to Checkout. stripe.redirectToCheckout({ sessionId: data.sessionId, }); } }); };
You could technically “dry” this up a bit, but I think this should be a little more straightforward.