Well, I’ve uploaded an app to Heroku, and I’ve discovered that I can’t upload files to it. Then I started to use Dropbox as storage option, and I’ve done a few tests, of send and retrieve link, and all worked fine.
Now, the problem is to use the uploadFile() method on DropboxAdapter. He accepts an resource as the file, and I did’nt work well. I’ve done a few tests, and still no way. Here is what I am doing, if anyone could me point a solution, or a direction to this problem, please. 🙂
Here is my actual code for the update user (Update the user image, and get the link to the file).
$input = $_FILES['picture'];
$inputName = $input['name'];
$image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']));
Storage::disk('dropbox')->putStream('/avatars/' . $inputName, $image);
// $data = Storage::disk('dropbox')->getLink('/avatars/' . $inputName);
return dd($image);
In some tests, using fopen() into a file on the disk, and doing the same process, I’ve noticed this:
This is when I’ve used fopen() on a file stored on the public folder
And this, when i’ve die(var_dump()) the $image that I’ve tried to create. (Which is a suggestion from this two links: PHP temporary file upload not valid Image resource, Dropbox uploading within script.
Any Idea?
Try a simple fopen on the uploaded file:
$image = fopen($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], 'r');
You don’t need an image stream but just a filestream, which fopen provides.