could not validate an array of input in laravel 8. from the frontside I have gotten the serialized form data which was successfully accessible from the backend.
public function GetForm(Request $request) { $request = $request->all(); $input = array(); parse_str($request['data'], $input); return $input; } output: { "inputID":"26", "inputName":"Julie Hughes est", "inputPhone":"+94111222333", "inputEmail":"" }
what I want is to validate the form inside the update function before I update the data when the user changes.
public function update(Request $request) { if (request()->ajax()) { $request = $this->GetForm($request); $object = User::find($request['inputID']); $object->name = $request['inputName']; $object->phone = $request['inputPhone']; $object->email = $request['inputEmail']; $object->save(); return response()->json([ "message" => "User Information has been updated" ], 200); } }
what I have tried on the validation function is below
public function GetForm(Request $request) { $request = $request->all(); $input = array(); parse_str($request['data'], $input); return $this->validate( $input, // Expected type 'IlluminateHttpRequest'. Found'array'.intelephense(1006) [ 'inputID' => ['required'], 'inputName' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'], 'inputPhone' => ['required', 'string', 'email'], 'inputEmail' => ['required', 'min:9', 'number'], ], ); }
looking recommendation to solve this issue.
$('#updateBtn').click(function() { console.log('update triggered') axios.get('/users/update/', { params: { data: $("#updateForm").serialize() } }) .then(function(response) { let i = console.log(i); userTable.ajax.reload(); $('#editModel').modal('hide') window.toastr.success(i.message); }).catch(function(error) { console.log(error) }) })
Try the validation like this.
public function getForm(Request $request) { $inputs = $request->all(); $validator = Validator::make($inputs, [ 'inputID' => 'required', // other validations ]); if ($validator->passes()) { return response()->json(['message'=>'User Information has been updated.']); } return response()->json(['error'=>$validator->errors()]); }
Validator::make uses the Validator facade to create a validator instance for you. Nothing more. You have to execute the validation and implement the error handling yourself.