How to get nested pojo result like this one,
object ------object ------object ------------object ------array
This is I got from somewhere I forgot, but it has no code for make this result.
{ "success": true, "counter": { "pending": 100, "rejected": 200, "completed": 300, "expired": 400, "total": 3200 }, "pie_statistics": { "assigned": 120, "opened": 212, "in-progress": 100, "completed": 320, "done": 433, "rejected": 111, "expired": 332 }, "bar_months":[ "jan", "feb", "mar" ], "bar_pending":[ 100, 200, 300 ], "bar_rejected":[ 140, 220, 340 ], "bar_completed":[ 170, 290, 310 ] }
with my code like this
<?php require "connection.php"; $query = "SELECT a.kondisi, k.area, COUNT(k.area) AS carea, COUNT(k.nrp) AS cnrp FROM tb_absens AS a INNER JOIN tb_karyawans AS k ON a.nrp = k.nrp WHERE a.kondisi = 'Sehat' GROUP BY k.area"; $data = mysqli_query($conn, $query); $json_array = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)){ array_push($json_array, array( "success" => true, "cnrp" => $row["cnrp"], "area" => $row["area"], "kondisi" => $row["kondisi"], )); } echo json_encode($json_array);
the result of mine like this
[ { "success": true, "cnrp": "1", "area": "Administrator", "kondisi": "Sehat" }, { "success": true, "cnrp": "2", "area": "AMK CPBP", "kondisi": "Sehat" },.. ]
Yeah I know it’s somekind old question, with many of questions similiar to. But I have no clue at all. I appreciate any help. Thanks.
If you want to get different json type into single json, you can split query first, and you execute each of query. To get nested object result like this
"counter": { "pending": 100, "rejected": 200, "completed": 300, "expired": 400, "total": 3200 },
try execute
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data)){ $json_arr['counter'][$row['a']] = $row['b']; }
for nested array
"bar_months":[ "jan", "feb", "mar" ]
use this
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data)){ $json_arr2['bar_months'][] = $row_area['months']; }
and to merge it to single json you can use
echo json_encode(array_merge($json_arr, $json_arr2));
Hope it can helps