I am trying to make excerpts end with a sentence, for a specific post type on my website, but for some reason, it is also effecting page excerpts and I cannot understand why.
function vhr_variable_length_excerpt($text, $w_length, $finish_sentence){ global $post; if ( $post->post_type == 'poi' ) { //Word length of the excerpt. This is exact or NOT depending on your '$finish_sentence' variable. $w_length = 20; /* Change the Length of the excerpt. The Length is in words. */ //1 if you want to finish the sentence of the excerpt (No weird cuts). $finish_sentence = 1; // Put 0 if you do NOT want to finish the sentence. $tokens = array(); $out = ''; $word = 0; //Divide the string into tokens; HTML tags, or words, followed by any whitespace. $regex = '/(<[^>]+>|[^<>s]+)s*/u'; preg_match_all($regex, $text, $tokens); foreach ($tokens[0] as $t){ //Parse each token if ($word >= $w_length && !$finish_sentence){ //Limit reached break; } if ($t[0] != '<'){ //Token is not a tag. //Regular expression that checks for the end of the sentence: '.', '?' or '!' $regex1 = '/[?.!]s*$/uS'; if ($word >= $w_length && $finish_sentence && preg_match($regex1, $t) == 1){ //Limit reached, continue until ? . or ! occur to reach the end of the sentence. $out .= trim($t); break; } $word++; } //Append what's left of the token. $out .= $t; } return trim(force_balance_tags($out)); } } function vhr_excerpt_filter($text){ global $post; if ( $post->post_type == 'poi' ) { //Get the full content and filter it. $text = get_the_content(''); $text = strip_shortcodes( $text ); $text = apply_filters('the_content', $text); $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text); //If you want to Allow SOME tags: $allowed_tags = '<p>,<a>,<strong>,<b>'; /* Here I am allowing p, a, strong tags. Separate tags by comma. */ $text = strip_tags($text, $allowed_tags); //Create the excerpt. $text = vhr_variable_length_excerpt($text, $w_length, $finish_sentence); return $text; } } //Hooks the 'vhr_excerpt_filter' function to a specific (get_the_excerpt) filter action. add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'vhr_excerpt_filter', 5);
It doesn’t effect any of my other custom post types, just the one I specify in the function, and then all pages on the website. It still effects my pages, even if I change the logic to something like = poi && != page as well. Any ideas why this would also be effecting pages? Is there an easier way to make this happen?
There is a multitudes of ways we can approach it. Taking the time to write a custom excerpt instead on relying on WordPress is one of them…
We can count sentences by targeting end-of-sentence period.
function get_sentence_tally_excerpt( $content = '', $tally = 2, $stitches = '' ) { $buffer = array_slice( explode( '.', sanitize_text_field( $content ) ), 0, $tally ); $filter = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', $buffer ), 'strlen' ); $excerpt = join( '. ', $filter ) . '.'; return esc_attr( $excerpt . $stitches ); };
You can specify what type of content should be ‘truncated’ and by how many sentences. On the front-end we can call our function get_tally_excerpt()
like so:
<?= get_sentence_tally_excerpt( get_the_content() ); ?> //... 2 sentences by DEFAULT <?= get_sentence_tally_excerpt( get_the_content(), 1 ); ?> //... 1 sentences ONLY <?= get_sentence_tally_excerpt( get_the_content(), 5, '[...]' ); ?> //... 5 sentences ONLY with stitches at the end.