I am doing a CRUD with vue.js and php. I installed the axios and I believe it is working. I just don’t know how to call the php file that connects to the database and creates, read …
The folder structure:
An excerpt from my script:
<script> import axios from 'axios'; export default { name: "HelloWorld", data() { return{ showAddModal: false, showEditModal: false, showDeleteModal: false, errorMsg: "", successMsg: "", projects: [], newProject: { title: "", }, currentProject: {}, } }, created: function () { this.getAllProjects(); }, methods: { getAllProjects: function () { axios .get("../php/action.php?action=read") .then(function (response) { if (response.data.error) { this.errorMsg = response.data.message; } else { this.projects = response.data.projects; } }); },
In axios you are referencing a file which will not work
methods: { getAllProjects: function () { axios .get("../php/action.php?action=read") // This will not work .then(function (response) { if (response.data.error) { this.errorMsg = response.data.message; } else { this.projects = response.data.projects; } }); },
Axios makes http requests meaning it needs to be calling a server. You will need to have the PHP file running on some sort of server to be able to call it from axios
methods: { getAllProjects: function () { axios .get("http://localhost:8000/some-url") // This will work .then(function (response) { if (response.data.error) { this.errorMsg = response.data.message; } else { this.projects = response.data.projects; } }); },
If working with windows, look into WAMP, if working in OSX look into MAMP
These are two simple PHP servers you can configure