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Larave conditional aggregation to get multiple sum of amount

Hope all is well.

Anyone can tell me how can I get to run this SQL query in a the right way in Laravel?


     $data=DB::raw("SELECT name as 'name' FROM invoices WHERE country='$country';
            SELECT SUM(amount) as 'income' FROM invoices WHERE (country='$country' AND type='income');
            SELECT SUM(amount) as 'outcome' FROM invoices WHERE (country='$country' AND type='outcome')")

        return view('accounting.accounts')

I expect to use it in my view as follows:

@foreach($accounts as $account)

I’m new to Laravel, I would appreciate your help. Thank you in advance.



I believe you want an agrregated query with conditional sum of amount for each user within a specific country. In pure SQL it can done using CASE statements as

select  name,
        sum(case when type='income' then amount else 0 end) as income,
        sum(case when type='outcome' then amount else 0 end) as outcome
from invoices
where country = :country
group by name
order by name

In query builder it can be tranformed as

$accounts= DB::table("invoices")
            ->where("country", $country)
            ->select([ "name",
                        DB::raw("sum(case when type='income' then amount else 0 end) as income"),
                        DB::raw("sum(case when type='outcome' then amount else 0 end) as outcome")
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