I am trying to create a treeview (ideally using bootstrap) from a MYSQL database table that is essentially a data dictionary structure. Every example I have seen creates a parentid in order to create the json/array input for the treeview however my data structure has all of the hierarchy levels on each line.
The hierarchy would be:
- Schemas
- Tables
- Schemas
- Schemas
- Tables
- Schemas
My database table has 3 columns… database, schema, and table. Each row has all three attributes, so the full hierarchy. What makes this a bit more tricky is the same schema and table can exist in multiple databases.
Any ideas for how I should go about approaching this?
Or perhaps as mentioned below how would I go from an array to a nested array of JavaScript objects that is the input of a treeview?
Here is the php for creating the array:
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM MyTable'); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); print_r($result);
Database Structure and Data Image
You’ll need to iterate through all rows and insert them into an appropriate map(associative array) in order to “inflate” the data structure.
Something like this:
//Fetch all rows from database into $result $databases=[]; foreach($result as $row){ $database=$row["database"]; $schema=$row["schema"]; $table=$row["object"]; if(!array_key_exists($database, $databases)) $databases[$database]=[]; if(!array_key_exists($schema, $databases[$database])) $databases[$database][$schema]=[]; array_push($databases[$database][$schema], $table); }