I need to retrieve the entire single object hierarchy from the database as a JSON. Actually the proposal about any other solution to achive this result would be highly appriciated. I decided to use MongoDB with its $lookup support.
So I have four collections:
- Users
{ "_id" : "2", "name" : "john" } { "_id" : "1", "name" : "Doe" }
- Posts
{"_id": "2","body": "hello", likes: []}, {"_id": "1","name": "hello 4", likes: [1,]},
- Comments
{"_id": "c2","body": "hello 3",postId: "1",likes: [1,2]}, {"_id": "c1","body": "hello 2",postId: "1",likes: [1,2]},
- Replies
{"_id": "r1","name": "hello 4",commentId: "c1",likes: [1]}, {"_id": "r3","name": "hello five",commentId: "c2",likes: [1,2]}
I basically need to retrieve all posts with all corresponding comments and comments.replies as part of my result . My aggregation:
const posts = await PostModel.aggregate([ { $lookup: { from: "comments", localField: "_id", foreignField: "postId", as: "comments", }, }, { $unwind: "$comments", }, { $lookup: { from: "replies", localField: "comments._id", foreignField: "commentId", as: "comments.replies", }, }, ]).sort({ createdAt: -1, });
The result is pretty weird. Some records are ok. But comments return an object . There are also some duplications on the post with _id=”1″.
[ { "_id": "1", "comments": { "_id": "c2", "body": "hello 3", "likes": [ 1, 2 ], "postId": "1", "replies": [ { "_id": "r3", "commentId": "c2", "likes": [ 1, 2 ], "name": "hello five" } ] }, "likes": [ 1 ], "name": "hello 4" }, { "_id": "1", "comments": { "_id": "c1", "body": "hello 2", "likes": [ 1, 2 ], "postId": "1", "replies": [ { "_id": "r1", "commentId": "c1", "likes": [ 1 ], "name": "hello 4" } ] }, "likes": [ 1 ], "name": "hello 4" } ]
Brief, This is my expected result.
- I want to get all posts, with all comments and replies associated with them .
- I want to append a count of likes
and since I have the user auth id(uid
) ready I want to check if the user liked the post , comment or reply based on ifisLiked: {$in:[ID(uid),"likes"]}
Since each post have multiple comments, after unwinding comments you need to group it together to form an array
Update I have updated the fetch approach a lil bit like the below.
db.posts.aggregate([ { $lookup: { from: "comments", localField: "_id", foreignField: "postId", as: "comments", }, }, { $unwind: "$comments", }, { $lookup: { from: "replies", localField: "comments._id", foreignField: "commentId", as: "replies", }, }, { $unwind: "$replies", }, { "$addFields": { "replies.countOflikes": { $size: { $ifNull: [ "$replies.likes", [] ] } }, "replies.isLiked": { $cond: { if: { $eq: [ { $size: { $filter: { input: "$replies.likes", as: "item", cond: { $eq: [ "$$item", 1//id of the user whom you wanna check if liked the reply ] } } } }, 0 ] }, then: false, else: true } } } }, { $group: { _id: "$comments._id", postId: { $first: "$_id" }, body: { $first: "$body" }, "comments": { $first: "$comments" }, replies: { $push: "$replies" } } }, { $addFields: { "comments.replies": "$replies" } }, { $group: { _id: "$postId", body: { $first: "$body" }, comments: { $push: "$comments" } } } ])
Summary of the change
- Unwinded both comments and it’s replies
- Added new fields for displaying
stage - grouped twice to reform original structure of the data(first grouped by comments then posts)