I am using laravel ver "laravel/framework": "5.8.*"
I want to save the data into database with post request and my post data is
I have searched on this many topics but I can’t get any information on this specific topic. If anyone can, it will be very helpful to me. I saw my previous codes they this type of code in laravel but they work fine why this is not saving and getting an error.
{ "userID": 11, "fullname": "dharmendra shah", "fatherName": "manohar shah", "Mothername": "manorama devi", "dobdate": "21", "dobmonth": "August", "dobYear": "1999", "caste": "OBC", "casteCertificateIs": "state", "emailAddress": "dharmonly1999@gmail.com", "gender": "Male", "handiCappedStatus": "Not handicapped", "nationality": "india", "state": "Rajasthan", "district": "bikaner", "tahsil": null, "village": "NA", "maritalStatus": "UnMarried", "spouseName": null, "children": null }
In laravel route my controller is :
public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, [ 'fullname' => 'required|max:25', 'fatherName' => 'required|max:25', 'Mothername' => 'required|max:25', 'dobdate' => 'required', 'dobmonth' => 'required', 'dobmonth' => 'required', 'dobYear' => 'required', 'caste' => 'required', 'casteCertificateIs'=>'required', 'emailAddress' => 'required|email', 'gender' => 'required', 'handiCappedStatus' => 'required', 'nationality' => 'required', 'state' => 'required', 'district' => 'required', 'block' => 'sometimes|max:20', 'tahsil' => 'sometimes|max:20', 'village' => 'sometimes|max:20', 'maritalStatus' => 'required', 'spouseName' => 'sometimes|max:20', 'children' => 'sometimes|max:5|integer' ]); $userInformationSave = new BauserInformation([ 'userID' => Auth::user()->id, 'fullname' => $request->get('fullname'), 'fatherName' => $request->get('fatherName'), 'Mothername' => $request->get('Mothername'), 'dobdate' => $request->get('dobdate'), 'dobmonth' => $request->get('dobmonth'), 'dobYear' => $request->get('dobYear'), 'caste' => $request->get('caste'), 'casteCertificateIs' => $request->get('casteCertificateIs'), 'emailAddress' => $request->get('emailAddress'), 'gender' => $request->get('gender'), 'handiCappedStatus' => $request->get('handiCappedStatus'), 'nationality' => $request->get('nationality'), 'state' => $request->get('state'), 'district' => $request->get('district'), 'block' => $request->get('block'), 'tahsil' => $request->get('tahsil'), 'village' => $request->get('village'), 'maritalStatus' => $request->get('maritalStatus'), 'spouseName' => $request->get('spouseName'), 'children' => $request->get('children') ]); $userInformationSave->save(); return redirect()->route('home')->with('message', 'Your information is saved now'); }
The model is
class BauserInformation extends Model { protected $table = ['userFinalInformation']; protected $fillable = ['userID', 'fullname', 'fatherName', 'Mothername', 'dobdate', 'dobmonth', 'dobYear', 'caste', 'casteCertificateIs', 'emailAddress', 'gender', 'handiCappedStatus', 'nationality', 'state', 'district', 'Block', 'tahsil', 'village', 'maritalStatus', 'spouseName', 'children']; }
the error argument i am getting is
ErrorException (E_NOTICE) Array to string conversion
You are complicating things.
On top of your controller put: use IlluminateSupportFacadesValidator;
Delete $userInformationSave
Validate inputs:
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'fullname' => ['required', 'max:25'], ... every other input like I have done ]); if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect('/bla bla bla/create')->withErrors($validator); }
And save the model:
EDIT #1 In you model, you should declare table and A_I like this:
protected $table = 'userFinalInformation'; protected $primaryKey = 'userID';
I think this will do the job.