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Laravel – Multisheet Excel

I tried to export my data in multi sheet Excel. But I face the error like

SymfonyComponentErrorHandlerErrorFatalError Class AppExportsReportExport contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsFromQuery::query)

MaatwebsiteExcelSheet::formatColumn(): Argument #2 ($format) must be of type string, array given, called in C:xampphtdocshealthcarevendormaatwebsiteexcelsrcSheet.php on line 395

My controller coding is

public function exportproviders($id)
        $providerid = $id;  
        return Excel::download(new ReportExport($providerid), 'users.xlsx');


class ReportExport implements WithMultipleSheets
    use Exportable;
    public function __construct(int $providerid)
        $this->providerid = $providerid;
    public function sheets(): array
        $sheets = [
            new ReportGeneralExport($this->providerid),
            new ReportPracticeExport($this->providerid),
            new ReportEducationExport($this->providerid),
            new ReportWorkingExport($this->providerid),
            new ReportCertificateExport($this->providerid),
            new ReportReferenceExport($this->providerid),
            new ReportQuestionsExport($this->providerid),
            new ReportDocumentsExport($this->providerid),

        return $sheets;


use AppModelsProviderinfo;

class ReportGeneralExport implements FromQuery, WithHeadings, WithTitle, ShouldAutoSize, WithColumnFormatting, WithMapping
    use Exportable;

    public function __construct(int $providerid)
        $this->providerid = $providerid;

    public function map($row): array
        return [
    public function query()
        return Providerinfo::where('id',$this->providerid)->get();

    public function headings(): array
        return [
            'First Name',
            'Middle Name',
            'Last Name',
            'Email Id',
            'Other Email Id',
            'Home Address',
            'Home City',
            'Home State',
            'Home Country',
            'Home Zipcode',
            'Mail Address',

Using Providerid to get the data from the providerinfo table.



Your ReportGeneralExport class contains a lot of implements there.

I see WithTitle but no implementation of:

public function title(): string;

Either implement it or remove WithTitle from your implements.

I also see WithColumnFormatting but no implementation of:

public function columnFormats(): array;

Either implement it or remove WithColumnFormatting from your implements.

Also remove the ->get() from your query:

    public function query()
        return Providerinfo::where('id',$this->providerid)->get();

As per the documentation it says:

Be sure to not ->get() the results!

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