I am trying to create a collection in laravel which groups the current year into months with a supplied count.
So far so good.
The thing is, which indeed is obvious, collection is not showing the months that doesn’t exist in the table.
By using the following code
$logActivity = $customer->users()->select(DB::raw("DATE_FORMAT(last_login_at, '%b') as month, (COUNT(*)) as total")) ->whereBetween('last_login_at', [$this->loginStart, $this->loginEnd]) ->whereYear('last_login_at', date('Y')) ->orderBy('last_login_at', 'ASC') ->groupBy('month') ->pluck('total', 'month');
I get an output as follows
array:5 [▼ "Jan" => 1 "Mar" => 3 "Apr" => 5 "May" => 2 "Jun" => 1 ]
The collection output I am trying to achieve is
array:12 [▼ "Jan" => 1 "Feb" => 0 "Mar" => 3 "Apr" => 5 "May" => 2 "Jun" => 0 "Jul" => 0 "Aug" => 0 "Sep" => 0 "Oct" => 0 "Nov" => 0 "Dec" => 0 ]
Can anybody help me out?
Best regards.
As @Aless55 pointed out in the comments, I think you should create a default collection with all months mapped to 0, and then merge the collection with your query’s results. https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/collections#method-merge Basically when you merge the two collections, the values of the former will be overwritten by the values of the latter
$default = collect([ "Jan" => 0, "Feb" => 0, "Mar" => 0, "Apr" => 0, "May" => 0, "Jun" => 0, "Jul" => 0, "Aug" => 0, "Sep" => 0, "Oct" => 0, "Nov" => 0, "Dec" => 0 ]); $result = $default->merge($logActivity);