I have a laravel 7.14 app.
I’m trying to get the search result based on brand name = query.
The problem is with building link to display individual product. It takes brand slug instead of product slug. When I search with brand name I get the desired result but to view a individual product link fetches the brand slug instead of product slug. If I remove the slug from brands table I get an error in displaying results.
My products table has brand_id which tags the brand in product. In brands table I have ‘name’ and ‘slug’.
Products fields:
'image', 'title', 'slug', 'description', 'brand_id', 'category_id',
Brands fields:
'name', 'slug',
Here’s my search in ProductsController:
public function search(Request $request) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'query' => 'required|min:3', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { return back()->with('toast_error', 'Please enter at least 6 character'); } $query = $request->input('query'); $products = Product::where('title', 'like', "%$query%") ->orWhere('molecules', 'like', "%$query%") ->orWhere('text', 'like', "%$query%") ->join('brands', 'brands.id', '=', 'brand_id') ->orWhere('name', 'like', "%$query%")->paginate(10); // Search with paginate // $products = Product::search("%$query%") // ->paginate(20); $categories = Category::all(); $brands = Brand::all(); return view('products.search')->with([ 'products' => $products, 'categories'=> $categories, 'brands' => $brands, ]); }
Just give alias to one of the slug columns in your query. For example
$products = Product::select('products.*', 'brands.name', 'brands.slug as brand_slug') ->where('title', 'like', "%$query%") ->orWhere('molecules', 'like', "%$query%") ->orWhere('text', 'like', "%$query%") ->join('brands', 'brands.id', '=', 'brand_id') ->orWhere('name', 'like', "%$query%")->paginate(10);