I am trying to update an entry on MongoDB using the code below. I want it so that it updates the ‘name’ field pertaining to the studentid posted from the html form. I keep getting a syntax error for unexpected ) even though I have changed it around a lot to no avail. I got this code straight from the MongoDB documentation too?
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php' ; $client = new MongoDBClient('mongodb://'); $db_name = 'studentsinfo'; $db = $client->$db_name; $collection = $db->students; if($_POST) { $update = $collection->updateOne([ 'studentid'=> $_POST['studentid'], [ '$set' => [ 'name' => 'Brunos on Astoria' ]] ); }
Missing square bracket ]
in your updateOne
if($_POST){ $update = $collection->updateOne( ['studentid'=> $_POST['studentid']], [ '$set' => [ 'name' => 'Brunos on Astoria' ]] ); }