I would like to get the current Bitcoin price on Backend PHP code I hope to use that as an global function on Laravel. Thanks.
Hope it’s would be helpful and let me know if there is any other issues.
if (!function_exists("getCurrentBtcDollar")) { function getCurrentBtcDollar() { // $url='https://bitpay.com/api/rates'; $json=json_decode( file_get_contents( $url ) ); $btc=0; foreach( $json as $obj ){ if( $obj->code=='USD' )$btc=$obj->rate; } return $btc; } }
Define that function on Laravel helper. You could create a new PHP file on “AppHttpsHelpersHelpers.php” And register that files on “composer.json” file on the root of the project.
"autoload": { "psr-4": { "App\": "app/" }, "classmap": [ "database/seeds", "database/factories" ], "files": ["app/Http/Helpers/helpers.php"] },
Insert that line onto there. That’s all. Regards