I want to get category with only 2 subcategory not all subcategory. Like below output
Category 1 subcategory 1, subcategory 2, Category 2 subcategory 1, subcategory 2, Category 3 subcategory 1, subcategory 2
Total 5 category and each category have 5 subcategory
class Category extends Model { public function subcategory(){ return $this->hasMany('AppSubcategory'); } public function limitSubcategory(){ return $this->hasMany('AppSubcategory')->limit(2); } }
class Subcategory extends Model { public function category(){ return $this->belongsTo('AppCategory'); } }
Method 1:
Category::with(['limitSubcategory' => function($query) { }])->get();
Method 2:
Category::with(['subcategory' => function($query) { $query->limit(2); }])->get();
But it get only 2 subcategory in first category.
Please help me, How to get?
you can use the trait: HasEagerLimit:
you can install it:
composer require staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit:"^1.0"
and then in your model:
class Category extends Model { use StaudenmeirEloquentEagerLimitHasEagerLimit; public function subcategory(){ return $this->hasMany('AppSubcategory'); } public function limitSubcategory(){ return $this->hasMany('AppSubcategory')->limit(2); } }
and also in SubCategory model:
class Category extends Model { use StaudenmeirEloquentEagerLimitHasEagerLimit; }
now : when you load your relation … it should return the result you desire:
more details in: https://github.com/staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit