I have been using PHPMailer 5.2 with a standalone LAMP server and it has been working fine. However, after studying more modern ways to set up a webserver, I tried docker-compose
with php8 and apache2.
PHPMailer also got an updated version, and I am having trouble how to use the updated PHPmailer (version 6.4.1) with docker-compose
My configuration for docker-compose:
version: "3" services: webserver: build: context: ./bin/${PHPVERSION} container_name: '${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}-${PHPVERSION}' restart: 'always' ports: - "${HOST_MACHINE_UNSECURE_HOST_PORT}:80" - "${HOST_MACHINE_SECURE_HOST_PORT}:443" links: - database volumes: - ${DOCUMENT_ROOT-./www}:/var/www/html - ${PHP_INI-./config/php/php.ini}:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini - ${VHOSTS_DIR-./config/vhosts}:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled - ${LOG_DIR-./logs/apache2}:/var/log/apache2 - ./config/opt:/opt environment: APACHE_DOCUMENT_ROOT: ${APACHE_DOCUMENT_ROOT-/var/www/html} PMA_PORT: ${HOST_MACHINE_PMA_PORT} MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} database: build: context: "./bin/${DATABASE}" container_name: '${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}-database' restart: 'always' ports: - "${HOST_MACHINE_MYSQL_PORT}:3306" volumes: - ${MYSQL_DATA_DIR-./data/mysql}:/var/lib/mysql - ${MYSQL_LOG_DIR-./logs/mysql}:/var/log/mysql environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} MYSQL_DATABASE: ${MYSQL_DATABASE} MYSQL_USER: ${MYSQL_USER} MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} phpmyadmin: image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin container_name: '${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}-phpmyadmin' links: - database environment: PMA_HOST: database PMA_PORT: 3306 PMA_USER: root PMA_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} MYSQL_USER: ${MYSQL_USER} MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} ports: - '${HOST_MACHINE_PMA_PORT}:80' volumes: - /sessions - ${PHP_INI-./config/php/php.ini}:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/php-phpmyadmin.ini redis: container_name: '${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}-redis' image: redis:latest ports: - "${HOST_MACHINE_REDIS_PORT}:6379"
php runs fine. Now, as per the documentation for PHPMailer, I downloaded the package as zip file and unzipped it under the folder having my email.php
The directory structure is,
www '--php/ '-----/email.php '-----/PHPMailer-master/ '----------------------/src '-------------------------/PHPMailer.php '-------------------------/POP3.php '-------------------------/SMTP.php '-------------------------/Exception.php '-------------------------/OAuth.php
The content of the email.php
file is below:
<?php //Import PHPMailer classes into the global namespace use PHPMailerPHPMailerPHPMailer; use PHPMailerPHPMailerSMTP; //Import the PHPMailer class into the global namespace require './PHPMailer-master/src/Exception.php'; require './PHPMailer-master/src/PHPMailer.php'; require './PHPMailer-master/src/SMTP.php'; //---------------------------------------- $title='<h2><p style="color:DarkBlue ;">SAMPLE title</h2></p><br> '; $msg1='<p style="color:Black ;">sample message </p>'; $sampleTxt=$title.$msg1; //---------------------------------------- //Create a new PHPMailer instance $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); //Set the SMTP port number - 587 for authenticated TLS, a.k.a. RFC4409 SMTP submission $mail->Port = 587; //Set the encryption mechanism to use - STARTTLS or SMTPS $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS; //Whether to use SMTP authentication $mail->SMTPAuth = true; //Username to use for SMTP authentication - use full email address for gmail $mail->Username = '<my_email_@gmail.com>'; //Password to use for SMTP authentication $mail->Password = '<my_password>'; //Set PHPMailer to use the sendmail transport $mail->isSendmail(); //Set who the message is to be sent from $mail->setFrom('<sendingmail@gmail.com>', 'Name'); //Set an alternative reply-to address ////Set who the message is to be sent to $mail->addAddress('<receiver@gmail.com>', 'Receiver'); //Set the subject line $mail->Subject = 'PHPMailer sendmail test'; //Read an HTML message body from an external file, convert referenced images to embedded, //convert HTML into a basic plain-text alternative body //$mail->msgHTML(file_get_contents('contents.html'), __DIR__); $mail->Body = $sampleTxt; //Replace the plain text body with one created manually $mail->AltBody = 'This is a plain-text message body'; //send the message, check for errors if (!$mail->send()) { echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo 'Message sent!'; }
Upon executing the php file, I receive Error as : Mailer Error: Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
Could someone help regarding this? Thanks.
1.) I do provide the correct email addresses in the php file which I have replaced here.
2.) I am trying to use Gmail for sending emails.
Many examples on the internet mention the need to use, require 'vendor/autoload.php';
but I do not have this directory in my folder or in any include_paths
Update: Trying to include composer with docker-compose instance,
composer: restart: 'no' container_name: composer image: "composer" command: install volumes: - ./config/composer:/app
Inside the config/composer folder is the composer.json with
{ "require": { "phpmailer/phpmailer": "^6.2" } }
Added the above lines in the yml file, and composer gives error as ,
composer | - Installing phpmailer/phpmailer (v6.4.1): Extracting archive composer | 5 package suggestions were added by new dependencies, use `composer suggest` to see details. composer | Generating autoload files composer | 1 package you are using is looking for funding. composer | Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! composer exited with code 0
This was solved by the installation of composer with docker-compose. The following block was included in the docker-compose.yml
composer: restart: 'no' container_name: composer image: "composer" command: install --no-suggest volumes: - ./www/admin/php:/app
The last line above defines the location where phpmailer will be installed. Inside this folder we keep the php script which will use phpmailer.
Installed phpmailer :
Inside the folder /www/admin/php/
, composer will create a folder vendor
in which there is script called autoloader.php
as well as phpmailer
Hence, inside the folder /www/admin/php/
the script mail.php
is placed whose content is below.
<?php //Import PHPMailer classes into the global namespace //These must be at the top of your script, not inside a function use PHPMailerPHPMailerPHPMailer; use PHPMailerPHPMailerSMTP; use PHPMailerPHPMailerException; //Load Composer's autoloader require 'vendor/autoload.php'; //------------------------------------------------------- // this function (for sending email) needs editing the sender's email details function send_email($receiver, $receiver_name, $subject, $body_string){ // SERVER SETTINGS $mail = new PHPMailer(true); $mail->isSMTP(); //Send using SMTP $mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; //Set the SMTP server to send through $mail->SMTPAuth = true; //Enable SMTP authentication $mail->Username = '<username at gmail.com>'; //SMTP username $mail->Password = '<login password>'; //SMTP password $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS; //Enable TLS encryption; `PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS` encouraged $mail->Port = 587; //------------------------------------------- //Recipients (change this for every project) $mail->setFrom('<from address email>', '<name>'); $mail->addAddress($receiver, $receiver_name); //Add a recipient $mail->addReplyTo('<reply to email address>', '<name>'); //Content $mail->isHTML(true); //Set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $body_string; // html //send the message, check for errors if (!$mail->send()) { //echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; return 0; } else { //echo 'Message sent!'; return 1; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // set parameters $subject = 'string'; $body_string = 'Hello,<br><br>Some message.<br> This is an example.'; $receiver='<receiver email>'; $receiver_name='<receiver's name>'; // set email $result = send_email($receiver, $receiver_name, $subject, $body_string); ?>
This works well, and also with the examples given in phpmailer documentation and examples.