I drawed a graph in react native using sql server data and php backEnd ;
But I want to modify my label (value existing in x of graph)
export default class Home extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isLoading: true, data: { labels: [], datasets: [ { data: [], } ] } } } componentDidMount() { this.GetData(); } GetData = () => { const self = this; return fetch('') .then((response) => response.json()) .then((responseJson) => { const dataClone = {...self.state.data} const values = responseJson.map(value => value.ChiffreAffaire); const label = responseJson.map(value => value.M500_NOM); dataClone.datasets[0].data = values; dataClone.labels= label; this.setState({ isLoading: false, data: dataClone, }); }) .catch((error) =>{ console.error(error); }); } render() { const fill='rgb(134,65,244)' if(this.state.isLoading){ return( <View style={{flex: 1, padding: 20}}> <ActivityIndicator/> </View> ) } return ( <View style={{flex: 1}}> <View style={{backgroundColor:'#58ACFA',flex:1,justifyContent: 'center'}}> <TouchableOpacity style={{marginTop:32,marginLeft:20}} onPress={this.props.navigation.openDrawer }> <FontAwesome5 name="bars" size={24} color="#161924" /> </TouchableOpacity > </View> <ScrollView > <LineChart data={this.state.data} width={Dimensions.get("window").width*0.9} height={400} yAxisLabel={"DH"} chartConfig={chartConfig} bezier style={{ marginTop:40, marginLeft:20, fontSize:1, }} /> </ScrollView> </View>
As you see in this graph ,I should mention the names of Client but It’s not lisible because it’s it’s condensed , If there is any option to mention them when I click on the button or to write it in vertical way ;
Please ,Any Idea ???
You can use verticalLabelRotation
to rotate labels in x-axis.
In your code you can use like this
<LineChart verticalLabelRotation={110} //Degree to rotate data={this.state.data} width={Dimensions.get("window").width*0.9} height={400} yAxisLabel={"DH"} chartConfig={chartConfig} bezier style={{ marginTop:40, marginLeft:20, fontSize:1, }} />