I WordPress table named wp_fes_vendors, there is a total of 12 columns.
Out of these 12 columns, I want to only update the data of column name requests
The data i am getting for this column is from a custom form in backend stored in $_POST['getval']
Here is code i tried
if (!empty(isset($_POST['getval']))) { global $wpdb; $table_name=$wpdb->prefix.'fes_vendors'; $data_array = array( 'requests' => $_POST['getval'] ); $data_where = array('requests' => $_POST['getval']); $wpdb->update($table_name,$data_array,$data_where); }
<form id="myForm" name="myform" action="" method="POST" style="padding:20px;"> <label> Select if this Vendor wishes to receive customer requests or not: </label> <select name="getval" id="brandSel" size="1"> <option selected="selected" disbaled value="">-- Select status --</option> <option value="1">Enable</option> <option value="0">Disable</option> </select> <?php submit_button('submit'); ?> </form>
I tried several times but the data is not being saved /updated. Here is picture of db
Your condition doesn’t make sense.
Lets say that the user picked enable
-> $_POST['getval'] = 1;
Your query would be:
Update {table} SET requests = 1 WHERE requests = 1
- Since none of the records have a value of 1 in the requests column, that condition would never exist and the update won’t happen.
- Even if there were rows with “requests = 1”, the update won’t really change them as their value is already 1.
- The same goes for the case where the user picks “disable” (0)
I believe you should update your condition to a specific row. You can do it by adding a hidden input to the form with the specific row you wish to update. And update your condition to so it would be something like:
"id" => $_POST['row_id']