In PHP when you have an associative array, e.g.:
$groups['paragraph'] = 3 $groups['line'] = 3
what is the syntax to access the first or second element of the array when you don’t know the value of the keys?
Is there something like in a C# LINQ statement where you can say:
$mostFrequentGroup = $groups->first()?
$mostFrequentGroup = $groups->getElementWithIndex(0)?
Or do I have to use a foreach statement and pick them out as I do at the bottom of this code example:
//should return "paragraph" echo getMostFrequentlyOccurringItem(array('line', 'paragraph', 'paragraph')); //should return "line" echo getMostFrequentlyOccurringItem(array('wholeNumber', 'date', 'date', 'line', 'line', 'line')); //should return null echo getMostFrequentlyOccurringItem(array('wholeNumber', 'wholeNumber', 'paragraph', 'paragraph')); //should return "wholeNumber" echo getMostFrequentlyOccurringItem(array('wholeNumber', '', '', '')); function getMostFrequentlyOccurringItem($items) { //catch invalid entry if($items == null) { return null; } if(count($items) == 0) { return null; } //sort $groups = array_count_values($items); arsort($groups); //if there was a tie, then return null if($groups[0] == $groups[1]) { //******** HOW TO DO THIS? *********** return null; } //get most frequent $mostFrequentGroup = ''; foreach($groups as $group => $numberOfTimesOccurrred) { if(trim($group) != '') { $mostFrequentGroup = $group; break; } } return $mostFrequentGroup; }
use these functions to set the internal array pointer:
And this one to get the actual element:
reset($groups); echo current($groups); //the first one end($groups); echo current($groups); //the last one
If you wanna have the last/first key then just do something like $tmp = array_keys($groups);