My code works fine after the form fill out all values are print accept my gender value.
Here in the code below is an example imagine firstName,lastName…. the $row[dob]
value prints out successfully.
But the option for the gender is not printing is there some array function i need to use for this to have the option selected bu the user print back on the screen when only display the details of the user (similar to a sticky form)?
<li><label for='dateOfBirth'>DOB:</label> <input type='date' name='dateOfBirth' value = $row[dob] min='1900-01-01' max= '2015-01-01'/></li> <li> <input type='radio' name='gender' value=$row[gender]'> <label for='male'>Male</label><br> <input type='radio' name='gender' value='female'> <label for='female'>Female</label><br> </li>
you need to use the checked
if the value that comes from $row['gender']
is male check the male radio otherwise check the female
like this
<li> <input type='radio' name='gender' <?= $row[gender] == 'male'? 'checked':'' ?> value='male'> <label for='male'>Male</label><br> <input type='radio' name='gender' <?= $row[gender] == 'female'? 'checked':'' ?> value='female'> <label for='female'>Female</label><br> </li>