i’m new to laravel, and i’m wondering how to get the language_id (primary key “id” in database) by current lang_code (a column of language table).
in my language model, i created a function like this :
public function getLang($lang_code = null) { $lang_code = App::getLocale(); return SELF::with($lang_code)->get(); }
in the homeController, i added this line of code:
$lang = Language::with('getLang'); echo $lang->id;
Got errors:
at HandleExceptions->handleError('8', 'Undefined property: IlluminateDatabaseEloquentBuilder::$id', '/home/otherraylinux/public_html/starter/app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php', '52', array('articles' => object(Collection), 'lang' => object(Builder))) in HomeController.php line 52
edit The actual things i want to do is:
$lang = DB::table('languages')->select('id')->where('lang_code', '=', App::getLocale())->get(); echo $lang[0]->id;
What is the problem? And what is the best practice to get the id ? i know the above code should not be good in practice.
You can use Query scope in laravel 5
public function scopeLangCode($query, $lang_code) { return $query->where('lang_code', $lang_code); }
$lang = Language::langCode(App::getLocale())->first(); echo $lang->id;
More details about Query Scope: http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/eloquent#query-scopes
Is this what you are looking for?