I have create this helper in Helpers folder inside Http folder:
<?php namespace AppHttpHelpers; class CreateRandomId{ public static function get_id($my_table) { $id = mt_rand(1000000000, 9999999999); if($this->check_id($id,$my_table)){ get_id($my_table); } return $id; } public static function check_id($id,$my_table) { $table=DB::table($my_table)->where('id',$id)->get(); if (count($table)==0){ return false; } return true; } }
when I call it in controller :
$new_user_id = CreateRandomId::get_id('users');
it give me this error : Using $this when not in object context
where I remove $this in function I get this error : Call to undefined function AppHttpHelperscheck_id()
check_id is a static function if you want to access it into other function then you have to use…