I am using symfony 3.4.8 version. When I am updating form data I want to see the differences before submit and after submit.
After $formEdit->handleRequest($request); line old value is changing to the new value but I don’t want it.
but I could not do this.
Here is my controller.
/** * @Route("/contract/{contractId}/Edit", name="contract_edit") */ public function editContract(Request $request, $contractId) { $log[]=''; $contractInfo = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:myContractContract')->find($contractId); $formEdit = $this->createForm(ContractEditType::class, $contractInfo); $log[0]= $contractInfo; dump($log[0]); // Old value is coming here $formEdit->handleRequest($request); if ($formEdit->isSubmitted() && $formEdit->isValid()) { $log[1]= $contractInfo; //new value is comming dump($log[0]); dump($log[1]); // I want to compare the contractInfo before submitting and after submitting. // I want to see the differences before and after to take a log. // when I submit log[0] and log[1] are coming with same value. //Updating Contract table.. $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->flush(); dump($this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->flush()); $this->addFlash( 'notice', 'Data is Updated.' ); return $this->redirectToRoute('staff_index'); } return $this->render('contract/contract_edit.html.twig', array( 'contractInfo' => $contractInfo, 'form' => $formEdit->createView(), ) ); }
In php, objects are passed by reference. Have a look at this small example.
<?php class A { public $b = 1; } $a = new A(); $b = $a; $bStill = clone($a); // when we change $a it will affect $b, but not $bStill, because theres cloned object from previous state of object $a $a->b = 2; $c = $a; // ["b"] => 2 var_dump($b); // ["b"] => 2 var_dump($c); // ["b"] => 1 var_dump($bStill);
So for your case, try using $log[0] = clone($contractInfo);