I want to get the parent username of a user
The ‘parent.username’ works this way:
But I need url the user profile, and I have it like this
[ 'attribute' => 'parent_id', 'value' => function(User $model) { return Html::a(Html::encode($model->parent_id ? $model->parent_id : " "), ['view', 'id' => $model->parent_id]); }, 'format' => 'raw', ]
It is possible to get the username?
Thank you
In the User class:
public function getParent(){ return $this->hasOne(User::class,['id'=>'parent_id']); }
In the gridView:
[ 'attribute' => 'parent.id', // or parent.first_name (whatever is relevant to you) 'value' => function($model) { if(isset($model->parent->id)) // or parent->first_name (whatever is relevant to you) return Html::a(Html::encode($model->parent->id), ['view', 'id' => $model->parent->id]); return "not found"; }, 'format' => 'html', ]