I’m using bitfumes/laravel-multiauth Admin, I added my routes to the routes/admin.php but it shows me this error that it can’t find my contoller.
Target class [BitfumesMultiauthHttpControllersadminDashboardController] does not exist.
route/admin.php Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index');
should I move my controllers to path specified in the vendor ? Btw, this my first time for using this package, so I don’t know how to deal with it. I followed all the instructions in github.But now I’m trying to modify it in order to make it work for my project.
My controllers only work only if add them to the vendor directroy :
But this is not practical if I published the project or pushed the project to github that folder will be ignored with the vendor folder.
I found the solution for this Problem
In routes/admin.php
Add path to your controller :AppHttpControllersAdminPlaceController