I have this code, but it is showing the index.php itself How can I filter *.php files?
<?php if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $thelist .= '<LI><a href="'.$file.'">'.$file.'</a>'; } } closedir($handle); } ?> <P>Dir:</p> <UL> <P><?=$thelist?></p> </UL>
Also is there a way to sort them by modification or creation time?
Here’s another that uses ksort or krsort functions (tested).
(See comments in code.)
<?php // you can add to the array $ext_array = array(".htm", ".php", ".asp", ".js"); //list of extensions not required $dir1 = "."; $filecount1 = 0; $d1 = dir($dir1); while ($f1 = $d1->read()) { $fext = substr($f1,strrpos($f1,".")); //gets the file extension if (in_array($fext, $ext_array)) { //check for file extension in list continue; }else{ if(($f1!= '.') && ($f1!= '..')) { if(!is_dir($f1)) $filecount1++; $key = filemtime($f1); $files[$key] = $f1 ; } } } // use either ksort or krsort => (reverse order) //ksort($files); krsort($files); foreach ($files as $f1) { $thelist .= '<LI><a href="'.$f1.'">'.$f1.'</a>'; } ?> <P>Dir:</p> <UL> <P><?=$thelist?></p> </UL>