I have made a plugin to send weekly newsletters. The goal is that the plugin will shoot email on every Monday.
I have few confusions here:
1 – Please have look at below code
function my_cron_definer($schedules){ $schedules['weekly'] = array('interval'=> 604800, 'display'=> __('Once Every week') ); return $schedules; } add_filter('cron_schedules','my_cron_definer'); wp_schedule_event($timestamp, 'weekly', 'informantweeklynewsletter'); add_action('informantweeklynewsletter','informant_main_action');
So, I made my custom recurrence ‘weekly’. However I am not sure what should I provide to the $timestamp
variable so, that it will start working from Monday regardless of when the plugin is activated. In my plugin I have not defined any functions for activation and deactivation as I don’t think I need them.
My second question is:
The wordpress cron is different from normal cronjobs as it requires visit on website. Looking at the above code I need to know what are the possibilities that my plugin will not work. And what solution can I make? to work my informant_main_action
method every Monday.
Thank You
assuming all else is correctly set up…you can use
as your timestamp. You do need to put this in a activation hook so it only runs once, you can check if the hook exists
if( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'informantweeklynewsletter' ) ) wp_schedule_event($timestamp, 'weekly', 'informantweeklynewsletter');
Otherwise, you will a new cron job set up each time someone visits your page…..
You can supplement this with a real cron job to visit your page on a weekly basis. if you have cpanel you can use something like this (note your path will have to be updated on this). The * and numbers are when you want it to run so its min, hour, day, month, weekday
* 2 * * 7 wget -O - http://yoursite.com/tasks.php >/dev/null 2>&