I have the following cURL function:
function getReferalURL($userMail){ $dataToSend = array( 'key: kewbhfbi87324y3rb3r2837r3brikbfwef23ibwjkfbkjfwkjfb', 'email:laura@hotmail.com' ); $curl = curl_init(); $curlOptions = array( CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.leaddyno.com/v1/affiliates/by_email', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_POST => false, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $dataToSend, ); curl_setopt_array($curl, $curlOptions); $afiliateData = curl_exec($curl); if (!$afiliateData) { return curl_error($curl); } else { return $afiliateData; } }
All that I’m getting as a response is that the email is missing.
I’ve read the documentation, all they have about this specific requisition is:
Definition: GET https://api.leaddyno.com/v1/affiliates/by_email
$ curl https://api.leaddyno.com/v1/affiliates/by_email -G -d email=example@example.com -d key=[YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY]
That’s a dummy private key, of course. I would appreciate any help.
$dataToSend = array( 'key: kewbhfbi87324y3rb3r2837r3brikbfwef23ibwjkfbkjfwkjfb', 'email:laura@hotmail.com' );
is not the sort of array it’s expecting.
$dataToSend = array( 'key' => 'kewbhfbi87324y3rb3r2837r3brikbfwef23ibwjkfbkjfwkjfb', 'email' => 'laura@hotmail.com' );
is likely what you need.