i have 2 model
1 – category with parent and child
class Category extends Model { protected $primaryKey = 'id'; public $fillable = ['slug','title','icon','parent_id']; /** * Get the index name for the model. * * @return string */ public function childs() { return $this->hasMany('AppCategory','parent_id','id') ; } public function parent() { return $this->belongsTo('AppCategory', 'parent_id','id'); } public function posts(){ return $this->belongsToMany('AppPost', 'category_post'); } public function latestposts(){ return $this->belongsToMany('AppPost', 'category_post')->latest()->limit(3); } }
2 – post model with belongsToMany->Category
class Post extends Model { protected $primaryKey = 'id'; public $fillable = ['user_id','slug','title','excerpt','content','keyword','img','status']; protected $table = 'posts'; public function cat_posts(){ return $this->belongsToMany('AppCategory', 'category_post'); } }
example data treeview:
1-category parent |- 1-child category -> with 5 post |- 2-child category -> with 3 post
Now, when viewing the main section -> (category parent), I want to display all the posts in all of the children’s category To be the result of the number of posts = 8
And by pagination How can I do that
first, you need to make a query to get all subcategory
from your main category
in this example, I suppose that the first category is a main category
$subsCat = Category::first()->childs->pluck('id');
after that you can fetch all products with these categories id
Post::whereIn('category_post', $subsCat)->paginate(8);
and in case if you don’t need to paginate you can make it in a single line
using each
from laravel collection
like this one
$cat->childs->each(function($child){ $child->posts; })
you can read more about each and whereIn from the docs
The first example with
is more efficient because it will make only two queries