Im making news blog and I need to display daily posts.
How doest daily posts work in my blog? : Im picking all posts for this day and sorting them by views count.
There is the problem: I can’t sort by views count with Post Views Counter plugin. It doesnt returning any posts on WP_Query.
My tryings:
function DisplayDailyNews(){ $yesterday = date('d.m.Y',strtotime("yesterday")); $yesterdayarray = date_parse($yesterday); $dailyGridPostQuery = new WP_Query(array( "post_type" => "post", "post_status " => "publish", "posts_per_page" => 3, "day" => $yesterdayarray["day"], "meta_key" => "post_views_count", "orderby" => "meta_value_num", "order" => "DESC" )); if ($dailyGridPostQuery->have_posts()){ while ($dailyGridPostQuery->have_posts()){ $dailyGridPostQuery->the_post(); //Displaying post item here... } } }
I tried googling a solution but none of them worked for me.
FAQ1: Yes, I have posts for this day.
This plugin dont use custom field post_views_count for save post_count Its create additional table
$wpdb->prefix . “post_views
To order posts by post_views use
“orderby” => “post_views”,
try this code
$dailyGridPostQuery = new WP_Query(array( "post_type" => "post", "post_status " => "publish", "posts_per_page" => 3, "year" => $yesterdayarray["year"], "monthnum" => $yesterdayarray["month"], "day" => $yesterdayarray["day"], "orderby" => "post_views", "order" => "DESC" ));
P.S. post_views need to be > 0