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Tag: laravel

Problem with multiple image upload in laravel 8

I have to make an online shop website and I have to make multiple image uploads inside my product’s form and then display it as a slideshow in my view. I tried 5 tutorials or their concepts and nothing works. I’m so frustrated, so if you guys know anything, hit me up. I’m hoping to find simplest and straight-forward way

How to automatically number each row in a table in laravel?

Please I want to automatically number each row when data is displayed from the database. Something like this so each row is numbered in ascending order from 1 to n depending on the data available in the database. How do I properly do that. Any Help please am new in laravel Answer If you are using blade, the laravel’s automatically

Can you send text and file for the same param?

I am trying to send a request to my PHP Laravel API that would store as “content” both files and text, however when i send the POST request, only the file path gets saved in the database and the request returns an array that is empty, is the problem from postman or my API? Here is the code for my

Laravel, store multiple variables from array into DB

Im not sure if the question title is correct but what I wanna do is clear in the example below I have 3 arrays and I want to store data in one table the table structure is like this table name: tour_transports id transport_id transport_track transport_note arrays coming from blade so as you see the ids are 1 and 5

Laravel 8 – Multi Auth with two diffirent registration form?

I’m using laravel breeze as auth scaffolding package I want to know How can I create two diffirent registration form for two User Types here is a simple explanation of hwat I want to achieve: resources/auth/developer : developer-register.blade.php resources/auth/designer : designer-register.blade.php if the Visitor choose to register as “developer” it will display a diffirent form. and same thing for if
