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PHP – Find an object by key in an array of objects, update its value

I have an array of objects, and want to update an attribute of one of the objects. Let’s say I want to set the ‘value’ of the object with ‘key’=>’a’ to 5. Aside from iterating over the array searching for the key, is there any quicker/efficient way of doing this? Thanks. EDIT: There is debate as to why I can’t

How can I show subcategories in categories?

Here’s the code: I will like to display parent category and its children under it. Something like this: Category Sub 1 Sub 2 Category – Sub 1 – Sub 2 I want to show data like see demo Database Structure. Both categories and subcategories are in same table. Database Answer Try this: Output:

Laravel multiple count in 1 Query

Im new to this Framework, i dont know how to optimize it using db::raw count and aliases and display it to my blade.php using @foreach im trying to optimize my code, my goals is to count …
