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Get taxonomy name

I’m trying to modify a theme that has custom posts with custom taxonomies. At the bottom of the posts it displays a list of other posts (as in “you might also like…”) What I’m trying to do is to filter the posts that are displayed in that area so they match the category of the current post. It’s a tour

laravel dd return empty value

all… My problem here is when i want to return values with dd($datasave), return all other but, one is lost my code (first Controller) my Solicitudes.php(Model) and my view(not all only the part that is not returning… ) but when i want to see the returning values result: AppModelsSolicitudes {#1259 ▼ and my … i check twice but the has

PHP make subfile of a placeholder file?

I have the following structure for my site: ./u/ ./u/profile.php ./u/comics.php profile.php is filtered with the viewer’s username. For example, the account Venk would be ./u/Venk. I need comics.php to somehow be a subfolder of this but I’m not sure how to go about doing so. It should end up looking like this: ./u/Venk/comics. How can I get this to
