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d3.js – PHP Array format

I need to create a d3.js chart using PHP formatted array for JSON. The format is like: The array code and format that I currently have is below. The format of the array clearly needs to be changed, but I’m not sure how to do that to suite the above format. Answer The best approach may be to create your

php can not get array value from an array

I have an array: And I would like to get the first value in the array: I have tried each of the following: array_values($_array)[0]; $data[0]; array_keys($data)[0]; But none of them work, and I instead get an empty string. I need to get the first element or key of the array. Answer you can use array_key_first(your_array) Get the first key of

Using JS variable as the property of HTML input Form

I have a form which have two field “optin” and “Qty”.The quantity field of the form accept the number.The minimum number which can be entered in this field(QTY) depends upon the the value of the Option field i.e. If the option fiels value is red then the minimum value propert of the Qty field should be 5 and if it

How can I set the database time zone for a query?

I am working on two systems which access the same PostgreSQL database: a Windows exe app, and a Code Igniter PHP web app Both systems output basically the same stuff. One issue I’m having currently is that I need to produce a report of data which is specific to a “location” which is in a different time zone to the

PHP postgres enable ssl support

Sorry to get back to you for a question that has been asked many years ago. But I am really stuck with this. I have a legacy application which is very old, running PHP 5.2.17. I followed this guide to setup my docker container I have everything setup correctly. I made a downloaded and compiled a PHP installation and
