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How to update mysqli field if the value is not empty

I am trying to update a specific value from my table getting them as row from a table let’s say the name but the problem is the image, cause i can’t pass a value to an input field type = file I need to update the value in the database only if there is a value to change if not

script execute every day to send orders to a device

Hello i need to know if this script is correct. The goal is to send to a device a checkout if the day of checkout is equal to today. Is my if condition is good to compare two date ? Answer DateTime::diff() gives the total difference between two dates. So only when two dates are further apart than 24 hours

Xdebug 3 doesn’t stop on breakpoints

I setted Xdebug extension and it’s installed, I can see it on phpinfo() but it doesn’t stop on the breakpoints and it doesn’t write anything into xdebug.log file. This is php.ini contents: And this is launch.json from VSCode: Answer You don’t say which of your three configurations you’re using, but if you’re using first the “Listen for Xdebug” one, then

change number of digits user inputs

I was trying to set up a signin/signup section on my website and I found a github account with codes that satisfy my target. This are the github files Anyway, the only thing I want to change is that …

SELECT from database when i donĀ“t know position of null values

Good afternoon. I need your help to make correctly query into database. I have following table in DB with adresses, eg. id street house_nuber city district 1 First street 1225 City One NULL 2 NULL 25 Small city NULL 3 Second street 51 Roswell District nine 4 Third street 15963 Last city Another district In the table above you can

How to return the children of an array under the parent?

There is an array, inside each element of the array there is a groupId, some elements of the array have children. How to get this kind of output: Parent category in array: Children category in array: I was able to only return parent categories, how to link child categories, in turn I could not figure out how Answer I’ve been
